Taking the Leap: Go Global With Your Online Business

Taking the Leap: Go Global With Your Online Business

People from all over the world are demanding what you’re offering. But do you have the tools and processes to turn your small e-commerce business into a global one?

Taking your business global is tempting, but the steps to get there can feel overwhelming. Decisions like choosing a shipping partner, navigating customs and currency conversions, filling out compliance forms, dealing with hidden fees, and finding a local logistics partner, might scare you off.

But, you can start shipping your products internationally without a huge budget or complicated planning. Test before you expand.

How to Test Global Waters

If you're a clothing designer in Kenya whose unique African prints are generating interest online, you might be ready to ship abroad.

Here's how to test the market for shipping internationally.

  • Audit your social media fanbase: Check analytics across your social media channels. Where are your followers located? Have you received comments and inquiries from international customers, even if just a handful? This is a good sign that there is demand for your products beyond your local market.
  • Launch targeted ads to send traffic to your e-commerce site: Run ads showcasing your products in countries where you have already seen interest. See how many people click and visit your site, and if they reach out for more information.
  • Choose one market: Using the data from steps one and two, focus on a targeted area to test first. Choose one country or region, assess shipping costs and time, then work to fulfill the orders of those who previously expressed interest.

Selling Globally: Key Considerations

As you decide to scale shipping your products to new countries, consider these factors before announcing a big launch:

  • Get clear on compliance: Don't let your goods get stuck in red tape. Get help figuring out all the rules for labelling, customs, and data for both exporting from Kenya and for importing to the destination country, so you can focus on selling. 
  • Prepare for diverse payments: Global sales means offering customers a variety of payment options that are convenient and quick. Explore international credit card processing and wallets like PayPal so your customers can easily select and checkout.
  • Build a customer service component: Will you be able to answer customer questions about not only products, but also shipping costs and timelines? Consider adding an FAQs page, using a chat service, or hiring a customer service rep to provide support.

From your store to the world

Test the waters of shipping internationally. Then decide: Go big, or go slow. ShipShap can help you figure out the rest, step-by-step. 

Ship Anything, Anywhere. Set up a payment link quickly and test going global in five minutes with ShipShap.

From importing orders to printing labels and tracking deliveries. No matter where you ship from, Africa or beyond, we've got you covered.

We handle the complexities, so you can focus on selling your amazing products.

Contact ShipShap today and let's bring your products to your customers’ front door.